Monday, September 28, 2009

Everyday is a Holiday

So in my endless quest to make the world a little more exciting and less serious, I have begun celebrating holidays. For example, Today is Name your car day... Which is depressing... O how I miss you, Adalia. And yes that is my cars name. A name fitting a mustang... Anyways, here's the link so you can join in on all the fun!

So here's the plan loyal puddinwifers. We will make a new holiday that will rival Halloween! But can't decide which holiday to do. I was thinking one of the following though:

October 14th- Be Bald and Free day (We all shave our heads? But I kinda like my hair... And a bald cap is outta the question. We gotta be committed.)

October 29th- Hermit Day. (We go visit Hermits out in the mountains! We'll love it, they'll dread it. Maybe we can introduce them to each other and make them play board games?)

November 3rd- Sandwich and Housewife's Day. (I didn't make this one up! But I'd probably get in trouble for encouraging it... I just thought it was funny...)

November 11th- Air Day (I don't really know what we can do on this one... If it was something like Air Conservation Day maybe we could just not breathe very much all day? But its not.)

November 30th- Stay at home because you're well day (Fantastic! Need I say more?! Clear leader so far. Of course I'm pretty sure this is called something else... What was it? O right Labor Day... Except one thing. The people who celebrate this actually work... that's a problem)

December 20th- Games Day (You have to play games all day. And I mean it. Wake up at midnight and I expect 24 straight hours of games. ie Video games, board games, fun games... etc)

So those are some rough ideas. Just drop a comment or something on which holiday and what we will do and I will decide who wins the contest and send them something special... maybe....

Friday, September 25, 2009

Flying Cockroaches

I have to start off this entry by admitting that I did not write this blog entry; however, it was the most influential entry ever for me. I laughed so hard. And so puddinwife became puddinwife. It is an entry by a band named Thrice and influenced the way I write on here. Please enjoy:

Ok um... yeah.... I uh couldn't find it... But you can imagine how incredibly awesome it must be right?! I mean to influence puddinwife! You have to either be awesome or at least the pope. I learned to fear cockroaches from it! Especeally when they can freaking fly! RIDICULOUS! Well maybe I can distract you from this most recent disappointment with a video? Another animation I've drawn. Enjoy:

O and no cockroaches are allowed here... None... Ever.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Frog

So when D-bone and I left to Utah he found this random plastic frog in his sister's old house (probably containing swine flu) and decided it would be a good idea to bring it to college. I was somewhat against the idea at first but I must say its grown on me.

Earlier last week I was going to bed and as I was crawling in, thinking about beautiful women, I noticed an uninvited guest in my bed. I was ticked! There was that stupid frog. D-bone lost the stupid point... D-bone -1. So in my fury I set the frog back into D-bone's bed. Sure enough when he got in, there was the plastic frog. Point, Nick. So the next morning we began the true use of the frog, annoying our roommates. When Canadia left, D-bone snuck into his room and put the frog under his pillow. D-bone back to 0. The frog even returned to my hands the next day! So I entered the room of the tall one and noticed two pillows. This presented a small problem... But I decided I would put it in between his pillow.

Now this is the best story so far. The Tall One and LeBron James are roommates and LeBron bought himself a nerf gun. Late that night The Tall One returned home he walked in quietly trying not to wake LeBron before he knew what was happening nerf bullets were flying like bees with rabies at him. When the beating stopped (and yes, nerf bullets can provide a beating... Don't question me!) The Tall One collapsed onto his bed only to slam into a plastic frog. Nick - 2. Whahaha.

Sure enough, the frog returned to me once again. I guess everyone assumes when they put it on the kitchen table they are safe from the plague... WRONG! I'm not even sure who I got this time... But I aimed for Lebron. Its in his backpack as far as I know... We'll see soon... Nick - 3

As for this... I don't really know what to say. It came up on google images when I typed in frog. I don't get the connection... But I thought you all would appreciate it... Although it looks kinda gross like this... The ones on the left look like they have anthrax... enough said

Friday, September 4, 2009


Hey you guys. I thought this might be fun. I'm studying animation at BYU right now and thought I'd put some up. Granted they aren't any good, but at least they're fun right?!
That one was one I did as a group with some kids. You know it was just as an experiment to see how everything worked as far as animating goes. Just kinda a first test. The one below was because we got a lil bored and we had finished early.

And now finally I present the true slaving over a hot stove (or at least a light table which became hot cuz it was on forever while i drew 86 pages on it....) I call it: Somewhere over the Rainbow... EXTREME!

So there you go!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Returning from the dead...

Hey you guys... Sorry its been such a rough time to be an avid puddingwife fan. Its been tough for us too. Times are just not as bright as they used to be. For this reason I have changed the background color of the entire website to black to represent the loss the the one speck of light in this world for quite some time. That light is of course this blog. I vow, as Co-creator of the almighty and powerful blog, PUDDINGWIFE, that I shall write upon ye weekly through at least this current semester.

Now this may not be the most entertaining entry I have written and for this I apologize; however I promise to return to normal posts from this point on. So if you are truly one of our fans who reads this still without my encouragement (and I know who you are) then expect your own complimentary box of official Puddingwife dental floss.

As for things I should warn you about from this point forward. I regret to inform you that either Jordan has died and/or his desire to continue to write upon this blog has disappeared. In either case I would not be expecting many more posts from him. Please join me in a breif moment of silence as we honor our fallen comrad................................................Thank you.

So here we go my friends. It is time for this blog to take its rightful place in the world. At the very top of the non-research blog standings. It is up to you to create a world where Puddingwife is a household name.

Until that day my friends, I say goodnight. I will write again very soon.