Monday, October 5, 2009

Cheltsea Saved the Day!

So guys I must say I didn't expect a miracle like this to occur. It just so happens that when Cheltsea, loyal PW reader, was looking over the Flying Cockroaches post, she remembered an instance where the original blog post was emailed between us and she sent it to me. Therefore Cheltsea will henceforth be known as the Day-saver! Lets hear it for the Day-saver! Horrah!

Ok here goes!

"On another note, cockroaches by themselves, I’d say a threat level/creepy bug level of about 2. Even if they’re big. But add the fact that they stinking fly, and I’d put that score up to about 9 (on a scale of 10). I actually had no idea that they had the ability to fly until a couple years ago when I had one visit my house. I grabbed a cup and a magazine and casually walked up to the thing, planning on scooping it into the cup and throwing it outside, all the while proving to my wife that it wasn’t a big deal by being so cool about the whole deal. And then it flew. It blew my mind. I screamed like a school girl and went running. I seriously had no idea, it caught me so off guard. So that was flying cockroach encounter one. Then a couple weeks ago, I was sitting in my living room strumming my guitar, minding my business when I heard this low buzzing sound. I looked up and saw a big dark figure flying towards my face. I dodged my head and averted the beast, only to have it land on the back of my freaking neck. I literally threw my guitar across the room, threw my shirt off, and just stood there dumbfounded. I didn’t know what happened. And then I saw it…a cockroach easily bigger than my thumb climbing up the wall. Of course it flew again, across the room under the coffee table. Have no doubt I killed the living crap out of that thing. And then finally, tonight. Just sitting in my room, once again playing my guitar when I hear a big smack. I look up to see yet another giant cockroach scaling the wall. The smack was no doubt the sound of it FLYING and hitting the wall. I grabbed a shoe, swung, didn’t get a clean hit, and ran away like a little girl, fearing the wrath of the flying cockroach. I went back and now I can’t find it. So now I’m all on edge cause I probably have a half mutilated spawn of satan crawling about my house. I left a window cracked in hopes that it’ll find its way out. Bah. So the moral of the story is: cockroach = eh, whatever. FLYING cockroach = pure evil"

Yay Thrice. And Yay Day-Saver!


  1. Dude, in the Phillies (the Philippines for all ya'll that don't know what's up) they had cockroaches that were like 5 inches long and flew around like 747's. They were literally the spawn of Satan.

  2. Perfect! Then you more than anyone else can attest to this! Good ol' Thrice
