Saturday, October 31, 2009

Oh! I Just Died in Your Arms D-Bone

O yes. Its time to let the world view my incredibly patient and epically long attempt to annoy my roommate. Now we all know what the 80's were, bad hair, bad fashion, horrible CD cover art, and not amazingly impressive music, but endlessly and undyingly (immortally? unstoppably? resurrectedably?) catchy. One of the most amazingly catchy songs of this era? Cutting Crew's "(I just) Died in Your Arms Tonight". (Music video is kinda disturbing... I didn't even want to post the video on my blog because I would be scared to come back...) So I kinda like the song, I think its pretty catchy so I started to play it a little bit. Then I decided to learn it on guitar. Then the idea hit me!
(Happy Halloween... Not really, this is really the album cover... Happy 80's! But Happy Halloween anyway.)

D-bone quickly was exposed to its undyingly catchy-ness and began to sing it as I would play it on guitar. This is when it hit me, "I know a way to be annoying!" (Its probably bad that that's my number 1 goal but....) So it began. Since that day, every time Daniel and I have been together, that song has been playing. It's kinda a psychology experiment really: "How long until D-bone snaps and starts shooting people?" That's what I want to know. It took about two weeks of this before he said anything at all. That something was just like, 'wow this song is on a lot'... Then it turned into his 'annoying, endlessly playing song'....

So I knew I had to be a bit sneakier... and the song was already getting on my, and LeBron James' nerves before D-bone.... So I stopped playing the song directly. Instead I would search on YouTube for a clip that 'just so happened' to have that song as a background. Or I would just play the song right before he left for class, sure enough, he'd come back singing the song still, that would mean I had succeeded.

I'm not sure how long this experiment will last but I'm not gonna stop until he either loses it, or says "Dakota" like the old charging horses in the Old West.... Because I'm a stallion.... Anyway I will have to check back in here when something awesome happens and account the story. So please don't tell D-Bone about "Dakota"... If he reads the blog, that's one thing, but.... still.... I'm enjoying it... even though I hate the song... its so beyond worth it when he starts unconsciously singing with it.

Go America!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Truth Everyone Should Know

Oompa Loompas and Fairies hate each other.... That is all....

Go America!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Darth Kelly

So its over! My animation class is over! We tried a compilation to finish it off. It was so so so much work. And my section....doesn't....look all that fantastic........... But that aside! The video itself is awesome! A lot of it might not make sense so I'll try to explain some of the inside jokes. They may not be funny, but at least they will make sense. Well.... actually... watch it first.

Ok the point of inside jokes is obviously to alienate people... So in order to continue to enjoy them I will not go into a lot of detail about them. Alright, so the "perfect A+" is actually what a kid named Mike would say after every animation we'd review. Next one. The first girl is actually a girl from our first class who thought because our teacher's name was Kelly, it meant it was a girl.... We haven't seen her sense.... suspicious.... Well the rest is kinda self explanatory and just random. I'm personally a fan of Darth Maul with the epic face. The head shape actually is based on my teacher, Kelly Loosli.... therefore... Darth Kelly....

I also re-drew my bouncing ball as it was my lowest grade during the semester. I figured I might as well put that one up too! ENJOY!


Monday, October 19, 2009

The Epic Adventure

Now then. Examine the picture above. Look at the emotions, the lighting, the 3 dimensionality, the color choice. Now forget all that, because this is not the epic face I had on during my epic adventure. In fact, I was about to call this post something more descriptive like "Printers are Evil" or "Printers suck" or even "God gave man life, the devil gave man printers." As is evident... I hate printers... But I really wanted to use this face, (you'll know why later) and therefore I named this post "The Epic Adventure".

This is how my story starts. It turns out that today we had a Biology essay due. That's no big deal, so I wrote it this morning (not recommended). I finished my essay and clicked print I ran out the door to my Book of Mormon class in the Tanner building. But... here at BYU, to print you have to then go to a printer and scan your card to get anything printed... this I did not do. So when Book of Mormon ended I booked it to the SWKT (for everyone not from BYU just look at my visual cue at the bottom of this post) computer lab and scanned my card. It just so happens that print jobs time out after an hour... CRAP! So I make a desperate call to D-bone, hoping by some miracle he was home and could save me, but no answer. So since I only saved the document on my laptop at my dorm, I had to head back to Heritage.

Now keep in mind I only had 10 minutes before my BIO class started. And I had already wasted a bunch of time in the SWKT. But let me assure you, I covered some crazy ground back to my dorm. I bust in and there's D-bone sitting at the table! What?! So he just looks at me all calm as I'm all sweaty, panting, and I'm pretty sure that my eye was twitching, and says, "Oh, I saw you called."

I was obviously upset but its not like I could do anything about it. I just booked it to my laptop, hit print and walked out to our dorms printer. Of course its got this huge error message that's like, hit F1 to continue. But.... the keyboard is locked away so only the mouse and card scanner is accessible. I had to think quick at this point because it was about 2:10, and my class started at 2:00. Then it dawned on me, the Heritage central building! That was close! Then I'll just book it to class. I get to the central building... and sure enough... There to great me is the same error message... and still no keyboard!

I just leave the building and start walking to the library (HBLL) and when I finally get there I walk up to the door and see a girl open it towards me and walk out. So I get there... there's no handle! I'm like, what kind of powers are conspiring against me! So I look up... "Exit Only".... Oh... So I go to the doors next to that after feeling like an idiot and finally am able to get my paper. I then book it to my class in the Richards building and was able to get there by 2:20. That was a lot of work for 6 points.
To explain the picture, the red dots are printers that failed me, the green dot is the one that worked... finally... and then I pointed out my two classes. Note how close they are usually... I think there might be a more effective route than the one I decided to take. The route is in black obviously and its up to you to figure out exactly what it means... it was hard enough to make it... well not really...

Go America!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Halloween in Felt Hall

So I was thinking the other day (I know, like I really was!) and it dawned on me that Halloween is coming up in just a little while! AWESOME! I don't even need to make up a holiday on that day! (Happy White Cane Safety day by the way) But with Halloween comes the inherent problem of picking a costume. You don't wanna mess up and look like a goober all night. Like you do if you actually insist upon dressing up like Elvis Presley after their 70th birthday. Or like you do at Star Trek parties; even if its your Star Trek party...

Anyways, all these "you" comments have gotta stop. This is my blog dang it! MEEE! So anyways, I picked two of my favorite costumes:

Okay You can't hate something like this! I mean I'm usually against the whole 'dressing your animals up as something... but that's just awesome... Actually who am I kidding? Dressing dogs up is awesome! Anyone who doesn't is the yearly Halloween goober. Of which I will officially choose one each year. But that's for later. Still love this dog...

Ok.... I'll admit the whole dressing your child up like a terrorist is kinda risky. But how is this any different that dressing up like some Bloody Demon? Ok I guess its kinda racial... Whatever! Personally I love it! So so so much! And look at how happy he is! This kid kinda reminds my of my friend's little brother Luke. I hope Luke comes up with something this awesome, else he will lose his name and this kid will get it!

I wish I got to trick-or-treat in a college dorm though. I mean the kind of things that these kids are going to get will be awesome. I used to be so excited when I got something other than candy. Little did I know that the people had actually forgotten to buy candy and were sick of me pressing their doorbells like crazy. The way I saw it, either they would never know, or they better get out here! But I'd always like try to brag to my friends like, "What did you get?"

"O a bunch of Snickers, Reeses, Butterfingers, an-"

"Stop right there with your second-class collection. I got me a packet of staples! Yeah you better believe it! No really, its right here..... O and below that you'll find my broken vase!"

That's what trick-or-treaters will experience here in my dorm. 80% of what they will get will be Ramon. Lets not kid around. Then 10% will probably consist of old homework with doodles on it. The last 10% is wild. Maybe someone will be prepared with candy, but that's probably unlikely. Most of it will be like left-overs or pencils or something.

And commence your drum rolling upon your keyboard! padda padda padda padda (repeat). Ok, free yourself from the endless loop of repeating "padda". Ok here we go! The annual Halloween Goober! (as searched for on google)
Tigger.jpg image by jasonguru

O man... That image is never gonna leave me. Therefore I thought it would be appropriate to share it with all of you. Enjoy!

Monday, October 12, 2009

1 Year Ago!

Today is an anniversary of one of the greatest days in the history of the world! And no, I'm not talking about Columbus Day! (Although I do believe in Columbus) Today is the anniversary of the time that a drunk suicidal man drove into my school! Best Day Ever! All I know is I had a math test I wasn't ready for and went to bed super depressed! Never have emotions gone from absolutely awful to plain amazing in such a little amount of time!

A lot of people don't really believe me, but let me assure you, its true! Check out as proof! Seminary..... Cancelled! Better than a Snow Day! YEAH! So, in honor of the greatest day in the history of the world, School is cancelled! For All! Just like it was cancelled one year ago! And every year from today forward!

Go America!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Evolution of Man... or rather the Walk Cycle

Hey Guys. I thought I would as usual put up my most recent animation I've been working on. But this time I thought I would break up what I've done into steps. We were assigned to make a walk cycle animation. Therefore, not all that many drawings were required, its just that the last drawing has to line up with the first. It also has to be fluid and life like. It was a pain even though it was only like 11 drawings or something.

The first step was to just draw the legs so that the motion could be tested to make it convincing. (And I'm not sorry if these are hard to see, you should get new eyes)

Next is just to add a simple body

The arms are tricky since they need to move opposite the legs. In other words, when your right leg moves forward, your left arm swings as a counter balance.

Now was simply adding some form to the stick figure.

Finally I tweaked the drawings and actually re-drew all of the drawings onto new sheets of paper and used a very dark pencil to finish it.

Now I know these are anything but perfect (the figure's right arm flashing on its way forward, the changing size of the head, the minimal weight expressed, and especially the right thigh growing on the step forward.) but I thought they would be pretty informative. This little cycle took apprx 6 hours to finish. Granted some was distracted time but still!

Go America!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Cheltsea Saved the Day!

So guys I must say I didn't expect a miracle like this to occur. It just so happens that when Cheltsea, loyal PW reader, was looking over the Flying Cockroaches post, she remembered an instance where the original blog post was emailed between us and she sent it to me. Therefore Cheltsea will henceforth be known as the Day-saver! Lets hear it for the Day-saver! Horrah!

Ok here goes!

"On another note, cockroaches by themselves, I’d say a threat level/creepy bug level of about 2. Even if they’re big. But add the fact that they stinking fly, and I’d put that score up to about 9 (on a scale of 10). I actually had no idea that they had the ability to fly until a couple years ago when I had one visit my house. I grabbed a cup and a magazine and casually walked up to the thing, planning on scooping it into the cup and throwing it outside, all the while proving to my wife that it wasn’t a big deal by being so cool about the whole deal. And then it flew. It blew my mind. I screamed like a school girl and went running. I seriously had no idea, it caught me so off guard. So that was flying cockroach encounter one. Then a couple weeks ago, I was sitting in my living room strumming my guitar, minding my business when I heard this low buzzing sound. I looked up and saw a big dark figure flying towards my face. I dodged my head and averted the beast, only to have it land on the back of my freaking neck. I literally threw my guitar across the room, threw my shirt off, and just stood there dumbfounded. I didn’t know what happened. And then I saw it…a cockroach easily bigger than my thumb climbing up the wall. Of course it flew again, across the room under the coffee table. Have no doubt I killed the living crap out of that thing. And then finally, tonight. Just sitting in my room, once again playing my guitar when I hear a big smack. I look up to see yet another giant cockroach scaling the wall. The smack was no doubt the sound of it FLYING and hitting the wall. I grabbed a shoe, swung, didn’t get a clean hit, and ran away like a little girl, fearing the wrath of the flying cockroach. I went back and now I can’t find it. So now I’m all on edge cause I probably have a half mutilated spawn of satan crawling about my house. I left a window cracked in hopes that it’ll find its way out. Bah. So the moral of the story is: cockroach = eh, whatever. FLYING cockroach = pure evil"

Yay Thrice. And Yay Day-Saver!