Friday, March 13, 2009


As with most things I own, I have been doing my best to destroy my vehicular mobile. In my year and a half of driving I have been able to trade paint with 3 other cars. Only one of which was a moving car. Then on top of that Ive been able to break my blinker and knock off my mirror with a pillar and a cement curb. In this entry, I would like to clarify my struggles...

My first - A parked suburban.
Damage - Broken Tail Light, dent into side of suburban.
Summary - Ok I still make no claim of fault in this incident! So what happened was my mom
parked her suburban out side of her garage for no apparant reason and didn't tell me she did it! So its a white car and it had snowed that morning and my rear window is covered in snow and its 550 in the morning.... I blame her...

Second accident - Paul Woodbury's green saturn stopped at a red light turning left
Damage - Loss of front license plate, loss of paint on front of car, and yet... no visible damage to Paul's car...
Summary - Ok... This one was my fault... Pretty much completely... What happened was I was driving Charlie from seminary to school and we were waiting at the light to turn into my school parking lot when for some reason unknown to me I decided, "Hey... I should gun it forward for no reason without looking up. I bet the light turned green while I wasn't paying attention!" So sure enough I slam into his trunk... It must have looked really funny to everyone else tho cuz everything was fine then this red mustang just SOON lost it and gunned it into the back of a green saturn. So we didn't even ever talk about it really since most of the damage was done to my car... and Paul's german exchange student's mental statis. The funny part is I knew something looked different but couldn't figure out I what until after school when I looked at it and it hit me... My license plate was gone! I was freaking out and dragged Jordan along to go look for it. Sure enough, there it still was at the scene of the crime thankfully.

Third accident - Backed into in a parking lot
Damage - Minimal
Summary - Well this is the common right of passage to all drivers, the 'I was already here and you kept backing up even tho I'm blaring my horn and reversing' accident. I don't think I need to go into detail. I just looked at her angrily, she apologized, then I went home to eat cheez-its.

Fourth accident - The light post
Damage - Broken Blinker, hole/gash in front left bumper, body plate bent so that my door pops
when I try to open it, stained my best pair of pants.
Summary - Ok so this is going to take the help of a visual example again. Pretty much I imitated
Jasmin and turned around to grab something from the back, miscalculated my trajectory, and slammed into my light column at my house. That was the biggest impact I've felt in a car. Like I went from 18 - 0 really really fast... I know that sounds lame but it scared me ok? ps my parents don't know about this one. I just started parking in a bush to hide the damage...

Fifth accident - The Curb
Damage - My rear view mirror is no longer attached to my windshield
Summary - Ok So I'm a little bitter about this one as well... What happened is that I was pulling out onto Arapahoe in my mustang and was being a good driver and all. So I was looking to my left to make sure no cars were coming when all of the sudden it felt like land mines went off underneath me. I just ducked screaming, "I'm in 'nam!" Then I backed up carefully and still didn't see anything... So I had to get out of my car and look to see this little triangle of raised cement in the middle of the road with no RETURN signs and no purpose... except maybe as a joke... sitting right in front of my car. It was totally invisible to me! My windshield is really angled so seeing is already and issue and... yeah... stupid WaterWay... O and for future reference, hot glue does not attach a mirror back onto a windshield.

So I hope this has been educational. And I'm actually not a bad driver, I was ranked no. 1 during a BMW driver thingy... for lack of a better word... I just zone out a lot.

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