So here's the plan loyal puddinwifers. We will make a new holiday that will rival Halloween! But can't decide which holiday to do. I was thinking one of the following though:
October 14th- Be Bald and Free day (We all shave our heads? But I kinda like my hair... And a bald cap is outta the question. We gotta be committed.)
October 29th- Hermit Day. (We go visit Hermits out in the mountains! We'll love it, they'll dread it. Maybe we can introduce them to each other and make them play board games?)
November 3rd- Sandwich and Housewife's Day. (I didn't make this one up! But I'd probably get in trouble for encouraging it... I just thought it was funny...)
November 11th- Air Day (I don't really know what we can do on this one... If it was something like Air Conservation Day maybe we could just not breathe very much all day? But its not.)
November 30th- Stay at home because you're well day (Fantastic! Need I say more?! Clear leader so far. Of course I'm pretty sure this is called something else... What was it? O right Labor Day... Except one thing. The people who celebrate this actually work... that's a problem)
December 20th- Games Day (You have to play games all day. And I mean it. Wake up at midnight and I expect 24 straight hours of games. ie Video games, board games, fun games... etc)
So those are some rough ideas. Just drop a comment or something on which holiday and what we will do and I will decide who wins the contest and send them something special... maybe....